Friday, August 07, 2009

Thoughtful Thoughts

I have been reading the status messages of some of my contacts in Yahoo Messenger and I chanced upon one from JC's girlfriend Sherlene. It says "When was the last time you've done something for the first time?"

That actually got me thinking a bit. It has been a long time indeed when I had tried something new. I have been doing a lot of routine stuff for the passed few weeks...months even, without doing anything new in my life.

Life has become a routine lately and it's veering to the point of boredom once more. And once the boredom hits, it's going to be another spiral downwards.

I had once told myself to do my best to learn something new or try something different so that I wouldn't end up bored with life. Even if it's just simple things to change what have been the norm, one must always try out something new.

Easy to say but very hard to do. A lot of people would just keep to the norm because it's the safe thing to do. It's what you're used to already. You can actually do a whole days work with your eyes closed and your mind only half-open to something different that might happen. A lot of people would just retain the state that they are used to because changing things would mean disaster.

Life would pass us by if we keep to the norm. And frankly speaking, I really don't want that to happen to me. I am actually feeling life passing me by already and it's really sad to think that from what I had been doing all my life, I had kept with the safe, the norm and the routine. I veer off every now and then but not enough to actually make it interesting. It would satisfy me a bit but then I would go back to the usual grind of life.

I stopped looking for something "first" to do. And like I said, if I keep doing this I'm going back to that downward spiral...the world of boredom...a deadly world for me.

I need to get my focus back. I need to make an effort to learn something new or do something new, even if it's as simple as braiding my hair (I know...sucky example but it's the first thing that came into my mind). I need stay clear from the land of boredom.

What about you? When was the last time you've done something for the first time?

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