Sunday, September 06, 2009

I've Finally Joined Facebook -_-

Sigh...after so many months of turning a deaf ear and ignoring the people who are convincing me to join, I finally got myself a Facebook account.

Honestly speaking, even after all this, I still don't know what to do with it since I was already okay with Multiply and Blogger. I just created it, filled some info in, added a picture of my stressball in the office and then logged off. I haven't really checked out the site yet or what other features are there aside from uploading pictures and stuff.

I was annoyed about the contact details though. I was trying to put the city where I currently live but lo and behold, Las Pinas, Philippines is not there. There's Las Pinas in Cuba, in Mexico, in El Salvador and in the US but nothing in Philippines. Kinda makes me wonder if there are people from Las Pinas who have Facebook accounts.

Anyway, what made me finally get an account? I got so annoyed of all the invites that ignoring them was hard to do already. So, here I am with a Facebook account and I don't know what to do with it.

I am curious about that game that's very similar to Harvest Moon, though. I saw my officemate playing with it during our lunch break and I'm curious. The problem with that game though is that its real time so you have to constantly check it every so often or else your animals and plants will die. That is so time consuming and I might end up losing my job if I kept at it even during office hours.

Sigh...I am now a statistic. How often will I check this new social network? I have no idea. But I'm leaning towards it being similar to my Orkut, Friendster and that other social network that I can't remember the name that I only visit if there are invites or personal message that is address to me. How often will I update? It would depend if the cross-posting of Blogger and Multiply will automatically cross-post in Facebook as well.

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